Cory, Tiffany, Halle, Daxton, and Presley

Cory, Tiffany, Halle, Daxton, and Presley

Monday, September 21, 2009

Our Little Girl!!

WOW! You know it's been too long since you've blogged when you can't remember how to do it. Let's see if I can get this right. It's been quite the crazy summer for our family. We've had a lot of changes to adjust to, most of which were quite challenging. But more recently, we have had a wonderful change that has blessed our lives and one that we have truly enjoyed. We had our third baby (a little girl) on August 25th at 11:24pm. Our little Presley Irene weighed 8 lbs 8 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. She has lots of dark hair and is such a cutie. She is adored by her big brother and sister and they are so happy she is finally here. I think they heard me complain about being big, hot, or miserably uncomfortable for too long!
I was 38 weeks along when she came, but was measuring 6 weeks bigger. I went in for a routine Dr.'s appointment on Tuesday the 25th and my Dr. was nervous with how big I was and how full of fluid I felt. So she sent me right over to the hospital for a Non-Stress test and after learning that my fluid level was 3 times the normal amount, they sent me directly to labor and delivery for an induction. While I was getting my epidural, I remembered I had piano students coming to my house, so I was on the phone cancelling lessons while getting poked all over. Cory was scrambling to get the kids to our neighbors house and anxiously trying to get to the hospital when he realized our car had a flat tire. So he drove it anyway, hoping it would make it. Oh the crazy things that happen when you least expect it.
Anyway, he made it in plenty of time, as well as our parents, who traveled from Idaho. I was so glad they made it to help with my moral support and with the kids. It's so comforting to have good family. So...enough about me - we are happy everything went well and so glad that Presley is healthy. We love her to pieces. She was given the middle name, Irene, after her grandmother and great-grandmother. And later I learned that the name has an even longer history in our family ancestry. I can only hope that she grows up to be like her namesake. Ok, so here is our little girl, although she's not so little anymore, already weighing 10 lbs.

One week old

This one is my fav! I love her little faces she makes.

2 weeks:
Here's a sly little smile.
Dad and his little girl.
A very tired mom too. We have LOVED having family come to visit. We don't get to see them often enough. This is Halle and her cousin, Jada, holding Presley.Grandma and Grandpa Lilya
Grandma Martin (I need one of Grandpa Martin!)


  1. Congratulations Tiffany! She is so cute-I love all the hair. Glad everything turned out well. Quick question...does your mother-in-law work at Roberts in IF? If not, I saw a lady that looked exactly like her on Saturday night. Good luck with everything!

  2. How exciting! congratulations you guys! Presley is adorable and you look great! Our 3rd is on the way, too ... we're excited.

  3. YEA!!! Your back! Love this little girl CrAzY! I already miss her so much. Tell her she can't get any bigger til I get to see her again over conference. (I miss the other kids too.) :)






2010 Family pics

2010 Family pics
The kids were troopers - it was 35 degrees outside during these pictures.