Cory, Tiffany, Halle, Daxton, and Presley

Cory, Tiffany, Halle, Daxton, and Presley

Friday, February 6, 2009

Party #4

Grandma and Grandpa Lilya got to come down on Sunday to continue the celebration. We ate more cake and ice cream, watched the super bowl, and opened presents. Monday morning was Daxton's 2 year Dr.'s appointment. He was barely in the 5th% for weight and dropped from 60% height to 25%. He is my littly guy, but still he is growing up too fast. We did a little shopping later that day and the kids were not ready to say goodbye to grams and gramps Monday afternoon. They cried and cried~ with constant attention the last week, they were not ready to go back to the old routine with no one but mom to entertain them.

Daxton had a great birthday! Thanks everyone for making it special for him.This is a pic of Daxton from last year - when he turned 1. It's hard to believe another year has gone by since that time.


  1. Hey Tiffany! I stumbled onto Darci's blog somehow and I was excited to see you had one. Your family is so cute-I had no idea how many kids you even had! Keep in touch. Our blog is

    *Was your husband from Shelley? (I am not sure if my memory is right) That is where we live now.

  2. Tiffany!! Cute picture of you and Dax. You look a little like Angie in that picture! I guess we're all family! I heard a rumor about you yesterday!! Is it true? :)

  3. Tiff! I'm so glad to see you have joined the blogging world! CUTE pictures! You have such adorable kids! I'm excited to check back and stay in touch more! Love ya!

  4. Looks like you had a blast with Mom and Dad. Wish we could've been there to celebrate. I am SO glad that you got some help with those sick little kiddos. You have done everything right to make sure they are healthy. Just keep loving them like you do! Love and miss you!

  5. Hey Tiffany! I read Melissa's blog and saw your comment there. I had wondered where you were these days, so it's really fun to see photos of you and your adorable family! Your kids are about the age of mine. My youngest turned two in october. :) Glad you have a blog! Keep in touch.

  6. Wow! Is he 2 already? I just stumbled on to Darci's blog through the rest of the family that commented above. I hope you don't mind me snooping and taking a peek. What a cute lookin' family you have. Cute blog too!!!






2010 Family pics

2010 Family pics
The kids were troopers - it was 35 degrees outside during these pictures.